About Sara George

Hi, I’m Sara. I am a nature and animal lover, equestrian, prior product strategist and venture capitalist, creative, and big believer that in an ever-increasingly overwhelming world full of distractions, it is getting harder to slow down and listen to our intuition. As a society, we are running from place to place while becoming sicker and more disconnected than ever.

My personal story reflects this. For nearly a decade I chased success, corporate ladders, and societal standards. And the hard truth is, it got me nowhere. Instead, it led me to a series of health challenges that affected my day to day life, and complete physical and emotional exhaustion. My cup was empty.

After years of ignoring my decreasing health and experiencing anxiety over my future, I decided it was time to take action. I booked a 5-week trip to the south of France to immerse myself in a french language school, a dream of mine since I was a teenager. While living alone in a tiny attic airbnb apartment with nothing but one suitcase, five french words in my vocabulary, and six-figure debt, I felt a peace for the first time in many years. I could go on explaining, but, you see where this story is going… :) Two years later and I live full-time in the South of France while creating my dream company, centered around helping others who are experiencing severe burnout, chronic fatigue, and complete lack of energy and inspiration. If this resonates with you, and you are looking to make changes in your life, you have come to the right place. If you are just starting your wellness journey, want to collaborate, or want to say hi, you have also come to the right place. Fill out the form, and I will be in touch.

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