My Approach
I believe that life is meant to be enjoyed, appreciated, and marveled at each and every day. There is so much joy and inspiration we can find in our lives, if only we give ourselves the space and freedom to find it. Unfortunately, in this day and age, we are running from place to place with technology filling every single second of brain space we have, becoming more exhausted, more burnt out, and more disconnected from ourselves than ever.
As I am a surviver (and yes I say surviver because there were days I did not know how to carry on) of burnout and severe chronic stress and fatigue, I know what it feels like to be completely lost and not know where to start. As I dug myself out from that very exhausting and confusing state, I want to help you do the same.
My approach looks at wellness holistically, evaluating our behavioral patterns, our thoughts and beliefs, and multiple dimensions of health including our career, creativity, career, relationships, finances, sunshine and light exposure, and more. I consider each of the dimensions of health when working towards life improvements.
My Services
In this 4 month programme, we focus on four key topics:
Resetting the Nervous System
Assessing the Environment
Fuel for the body
Daily habits
This program supports the transformation from fatigue and burnout to energized and aligned.
In this 3 month program, we will focus on mindset, intuition, vision boarding, and manifestation as you work to become the person you want to be. This program is suitable for those who desire to make a big life change or desire a life more aligned to their passions.